Longform Editions acknowledges the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation, the traditional owners of the land upon which we operate.

Ruven Nunez was born on the 13th of May, 1987 and grew up in a small town in Switzerland. After leaving school, he worked in a record store for about five years and has worked all kinds of jobs, without ever settling on one. Nunez doesn’t remember when he got his first guitar, but started to play very frequently some time in 2008. His first true meeting with the guitar was in 2013, after somewhat of a nervous breakdown. It was during a session of practice, which ended up being his first album Evening Prayer. That’s when things fell into place.

Artist notes:

Within Dreams, Without Dreams is a patchwork-like collage that I've been working on periodically for about two years. It is based on personal experiences and emotions in regard to sleeping and waking, as well as their relation to each other. I wanted to assemble all of these rich and colourful feelings into one single piece of music, merging into one another, just as dreams do while we sleep. I wanted to transform my confusion with life's many realities into sound.

I suggest that music is one of the many playful ways of the cosmos to express and experience itself, through each one of us. Trying to be conscious in everything I do, and because I’m very sensitive to life and its sounds, I can’t listen to music in any other way than what you would describe as deep listening, or in other words—conscious listening. When you surrender to sound, it is a profound and spiritual experience. You dissolve, and only the sound is present. It's a holy moment, that puts us into our natural state and brings us very close to where we come from. Deep listening is essential.